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A Wanted Melancholy


Anita said…
Hey John, hope all is well. I love the way you use light and reflection in these pieces. The depth is really great. So many things to discover inside each one. Hope your exhibit is going well.

A fan in Jersey!
Unknown said…
Just when we think we've struck on an original theme or style we find someone who's been doing it much longer and with more success. I've been using what I've gleaned from school and all the artists I admire and I was thinking this is where I was going to some extent; Anyway I was just surprised when I went out for the openings here and saw his work. The paintings are very flat and they owe all of the lighting to the source photographs. While the prospect of seeing another artist creating work similar to my own is a bit intimidating I actually find myself feeling challenged to do more.

Sorry for ranting, I hope all is going well for you.
Unknown said…
So two things real quick. First is congrats on your continuing success. I was pleasantly surprised to see your work in Smithsonian Magazine, it would seem your on your way. Second, I recently dropped your name several time to an art savvy couple in a discussion on Miami (they have a trip planned for January and are interested in buying work when they're there). Nothing may come of it, I just figured I'd let you know.
John Sanchez said…
thanks dude thanks a million its crazy down here as you know

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