Well, it is official, my next solo show is on the second saturday of October at the Dorsch Gallery in Miami. (I'll announce more on this later) I just spent the afternoon at Frametastic in Hollywood picking frames for these paintings. I am very excited with our choices, Nick is a top notch professional with a good eye. It is quite tricky to pick frames; many people want to choose their own frames or none at all when they purchase my work, but at times they make odd choices. For this show, however I am going all the way in framing them so as to accentuate the right elements in the paintings. I am happy with Nick's experience along with Brook and Tyler's critical eyes. It is going to be a great show! See you there!
paintings, drawings and musings of artist John Sanchez. "I aim to paint the in-between moments" (was Recorded Eyesight)