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Wonderful night

I had the most pleasing night. My wife and I went on a date. The first one since our son was born six months ago. We went to the Frost Art Museum in Miami to see our friend Arnold Mesches and his spectacular paintings. While there, my good friend and gallery owner Brook Dorsch told me to take a look at the museum's permanent collection show on the second floor. Lo and behold there were about a dozen works of art in this room, two of which were large Peter Paul Rubens paintings and staring at them on the opposite wall was one of my paintings! The museum bought the painting last year and I was told that it was hanging in the university's president's office,which makes me feel kind of nice, but this honor of being in the same room as Peter Paul Rubens is quite another feeling! It was a good night.


Unknown said…
That is a wonderful night.


Unknown said…
I was just at the Frost Museum this morning for the first time, and your painting was my favorite!
Unknown said…
Lets see a photo of the painting!?!?

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