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Williamsburg, Brooklyn Ferry

It is said sometimes that the artwork of an artist will reflect his mood or state of being at the time of its creation. There is a quality of light that I very much feel brings me comfort and familiarity in this painting. I have often touted Edward Hopper and George Bellows as a couple of my favorite painters. They are my favorite specifically because of the way they capture the very light I am trying to show here. My young boys, wife and I recently took our very first road trip together as a family. We drove up to Asheville, North Carolina, for the first few days, then meandered through the Blue Ridge Parkway for awhile and went up to where I grew up in Hudson County New Jersey. We spent time with family and dear friends. All the while I knew that the light around me (especially that awesome time late in the day when the colors coalesce and the shadows become longer) was one of the key ingredients to making me feel truly comfortable and at ease. You know, like a vacation is supposed to.  The location from which this image comes from is apparently pretty well known. The many New Yorkers that visit South Beach (where my studio is) instantly recognize this Williamsburg scene.


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