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Buenos Aires picture the 3rd

Family Crossing Buenos Aires   11" x 14" oil on mounted linen lin

I bought a Garmin Vivofit walking tracker before going to Buenos Aires.  I wanted to be sure to get in my "healthy" 10k steps a day. I knew that keeping a healthy eating plan was going to be difficult in the land of meat and ice cream and pizza....and empanadas...and wine...oh! and dulce de leche! Walking we did! 10k steps a day was a warm up to what a typical day was like exploring BA's various neighborhoods. I found it a refreshing change to what my life is like in South Florida: a cup of coffee usually requires a drive. I also found interesting the sharp angles of light that seem to be everywhere. Major cities with their high buildings will create these shapes of light. In this painting I am attempting to combine these ideas.


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